What's In A Doula Bag?

The contents of one’s doula bag are always a source of interest to clients (and to other doulas). So, let’s dump mine out and talk about the fun stuff a doula has in their bag!

What's in a doula bag?

Before discussing what is actually in my bag, it is super important to say that what is in my bag is not the most important thing a doula brings to a birth. I have shown up to a birth wearing a cocktail dress straight from a corporate event because a client with twins had her water break at 33 weeks and everything was moving so quickly that there was not time to go home and grab my doula bag. I have shown up with my bag fully packed and never once opened it (except to grab my phone charger - because seems like I always need that!). Doulas are resourceful and almost everything we need can be “Mcguyvered” from stuff in a hospital room and in most births, we don’t need a lot of tools. We need our hearts and hands and the belief that you’ve got this. Seriously, our relationship with you and the support a doula offers through that relationship, is WAY more important than anything in our bag.

The Bag

First off, let’s discuss the bag itself. I’ve seen doulas roll up in everything from a rollerboard suitcase, to a back pack to just their purse. - and pretty much everything in between. I do think, based on my own experience and having lots of doula friends, that the bag a doula uses says a lot about their personality and therefore there is no “best” bag..

I personally have used a Vera Bradley tote bag since the beginning of my career and I either don’t care for change or I really love this bag. Could be a bit of both. That bag has served me well. It has lots of pockets so I can organize my stuff and it is washable so that I can throw it in the wash after births since it usually sits on a hospital floor when I am working. Also, it is cute and at 3am, all I have going for my looks is a cute bag.

So, what is in there???

These are in no particular order, just as I thought of them as I write.

Hot pack – I actually use this one frequently. Laboring people tend to like heat on their lower back so I use it probably more than half the births I attend. Mine is one that can be reheated in a microwave, however it has a washable cover so that I can wash it after every use. Mine also has ties on it so I can put it around a client’s waist and if we are walking or moving a lot, the hot pack just moves right along with us without any one holding it. Also, like my bag, it’s cute.

Bendy straws (you know the ones that are flexible at the top?) – Since people labor in lots of positions and staying hydrated is so important, I bring bendy straws to help make drinking as easy as possible.

Birth Scarf – A woven long cloth can be used to make labor more efficient and more comfortable. I find it particularly helpful to perform soft tissue manipulation when a baby is not in an ideal position and we need to be proactive in helping those tissues relax and soften to hopefully make space and encourage a baby to find it’s way out.

Essential Oils – I am not the biggest essential oils user myself in every day life, but there are some oils that are pretty universally helpful during some labors. (If you want more oils used during your labor, not a problem, we will talk about this in prenatals so that we have the blends you want and we are all on the same page about when/how they will be used). I carry three basic oils with me in my bag:

1) A citrus blend because it can be helpful for bringing energy to a room (think a shot of orange juice!)

2) Peppermint is great for reducing nausea and also increasing energy

3) Lavender, as it can help with relaxation.

If you don’t want these oils, not a problem. And I never put them on you, just on tiny cotton balls so they can go away quickly if they are not helpful.

Toiletries – I carry a bunch of random things you might need in labor. You will probably have some of them in your own bags but sometimes during labor you (or more likely) your partner, cannot quickly find the things and so I can help with that. I carry hair ties, chapstick, tooth brushes, mouth wash. etc. All new. I won’t ever have to wipe lint off a chapstick before I hand it to you, I promise!

Snacks – I keep a few honey sticks in my bag in case anyone needs a quick energy boost. I also stock my bag with a few Cliff bars, dark chocolate and/or almond butter. Those could be for anyone that needs some food - me, you, partner. Heck I’ve even offered the nurse one before.

Gloves – You don’t want my germs, I don’t want your germs. I think we are all cool with that. Since birth can sometimes be messy or may involve bodily fluids, I wear gloves when I might be touching your fluids. I am not wearing them most of the birth, but if I help you change a pad or help with breastfeeding - I do put on gloves. I actually do like the “messy” parts of birth because more fluids generally means things are happening, but gloves protect all of us while they are happening.

My Phone – Duh, right? This is always on me or in my doula bag. My phone has a contraction timer app, camera, birth plan details, and access to a world of information and support should we need to “phone a friend” during a birth. And if I have my phone, my charger is with me too.

Massage Oil and Massage tools – Pretty standard. I use jojoba oil, little smell and rarely causes allergic reaction. I do a lot of massage at births and if the person I am massaging is not fully dressed, I am using oil to make it feel better.

Bunch of other Random Stuff – Truly, this list category is random and quite frankly, ever changing. There is usually notepad and pen, candy, peppermints, rose quartz wand (massage tool), change of clothes for me, fan, ziplock bags etc… my doula bag has lots of pockets and they are all full. I grab interesting things as I see them and add them to my bag.

The thing that doesn’t fit.

As I mentioned, in the course of most births, I do not use all these items. What I *do* use at every birth is my support, my voice and my faith in your ability to birth your baby and make the choices that are best for you and your family. That faith is so big - it could never fit in any doula bag!