Hair Down There

We don’t judge your hair and your nurse won’t either.

As a doula, who is writing about pubic hair, I need to preface a few things before moving into the heart of this post.


Seriously We just don’t. Most often, we never even see pubic hair or lack thereof because we are looking anywhere but *there* because our work is typically above the waist.


Their job may actually to provide skills to that area, but your pubic hair is the least of their concerns. And trust me, in this business they have seen so many undressed or semi-undressed humans that unless you have something REALLY unusual going on they don’t notice or care – or even remember 2 minutes after they walk out of the room.

Ok, got it? WE DON”T CARE. Now, on with the blog.

But you might care. And that’s OK

We may not care, but many of our clients do care. We serve clients that run the gamut from those having a mons pubis that is “Viva la Bush” and some that are as hair free as the day they arrived on this earth. Grooming is a personal choice, not a moral imperative, so whatever choices one makes in this area are all good. Many clients do ask us about dealing with pubic hair during their pregnancy and express concerns about it that I know that many women do worry or have expectations for themselves when it comes to their labor grooming. And you know what? After two decades of hanging out with pregnant people we also have some pretty good answers!

So what is the deal with grooming during pregnancy and birth?

The options for hair removal are about the same pregnant or non-pregnant. Waxing and shaving are both safe during pregnancy, though due to increased blood flow creating increased skin sensitivity, waxing may be more uncomfortable (hard to believe as it is already not a pleasant experience!). Shaving is typically a bit more difficult especially in the second half of your pregnancy when you can’t actually see your feet let alone your bikini area and beyond. I have seen the advice given that your partner can assist you, but your mileage may vary on that bit of wisdom depending on your partner and shower size. Laser or electrolysis have not been proven to harmful during pregnancy but practically speaking it would be hard to find a business that would offer this service during pregnancy.. This brings us to final option.


Depilatories are creams, lotions or powders that are put on leg, pubic or underarm hair and the hair “melts” away. You simply leave it on for a few minutes then shower. There has been discussion of the active ingredients in depilatories: barium sulfide powder and calcium thioglycolate. While there is no evidence that they are harmful during pregnancy, women may be concerned about putting chemicals powerful enough to dissolve hair so close to the baby’s exit. As with any new-to-you product, you can test a small patch on your body to ensure there are no allergic reactions. Of course if you have big concerns then maybe you save this special method for the Big Day. The disclaimer also always exist that you should talk to your care provider about what is safe and not safe during pregnancy.

With that said, let’s talk about Magic Shave. Magic Shave is *not* your mother’s Nair. In fact, it is more likely something used by your father because Magic Shave was created to be used for “black men to help stop razor bumps”. The creators of this stuff made an effective product that is designed to make coarse hair disappear and grow back without painful razor bumps. You know where else coarse hair is shaved off and painful razor bumps (and ingrown hair) occur commonly during regrowth? Pubic hair!

Magic Shave, like most depilatories, stinks – so keep that in mind. It works in 10 minutes and lasts about 2 to 3 weeks, not that much different than a wax job. It should not hurt (if it does…wash it off asap!) You can apply it conservatively if you wish, or liberally if you prefer the look and feel of a Brazilian.  The craziest thing, Magic Shave is cheap. CHEAP. A few bucks will keep a bikini line hair-free for probably a year. I checked out  Target’s website and a container of the powder is $1.97. That is not an affiliate link, I just want you to see that I am not lying about the price. If you think Magic Shave might work for your needs – it’s in the Men’s Shaving and Grooming section of course. I already mentioned Target carries it but so does Walmart and Amazon.

I can’t state enough that we don’t care what you use or don’t use to make yourself feel ready to birth but if you are looking for an easy solution now or later, Magic Shave may be it.

Pregnancy, LaborBest Doula